How Often Should You Replace the Filter on Your Furnace?

For 3- to 4-inch filters, it is recommended to replace them every 6 to 9 months. For 5- to 6-inch filters, they should be changed every 9 to 12 months. In most cases, you should change the filter at least every three months, even in summer. If you can't remember to do it, a good rule of thumb is to change the boiler filter every time the seasons change.

In general, most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies suggest changing the air filter every 90 days or 3 months. This may vary depending on the location of your home (e.g., dusty and dry weather), if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment. If you have pets at home, it is recommended to change the filter every 60 days or 2 months. For households with several pets or people with allergies or respiratory conditions, it is suggested that you change the filter every 20 to 45 days.

Vacation homes or empty houses that aren't used much can wait to change filters every 9 to 12 months. The more you use your home, the more often you'll need to change your air filter. For 3- and 4-inch filters, plan to replace them approximately every six to nine months. If you have filters larger than 5 or 6 inches, you'll need to change them every nine to 12 months.

Even in the hottest months of the year, it is important to regularly check the condition of the boiler filter (and replace it as needed) to keep your family safe and your boiler in good working condition. By removing the air filter from the air controller, if you hold it close to a light source, you'll be able to see if the filter is dirty or clogged; if you can't see the light through the filter, it's definitely time to replace it. It's a general recommendation that you change your home air filter every 30 days when using less expensive fiberglass filters. No matter what air conditioning system you have, each unit needs a quality filter that is properly adjusted to keep indoor air quality clean and your unit operating at peak efficiency.

If the filter is dirty, the boiler will not be able to circulate clean air throughout the house, which could put your health at risk. Because the functionality, performance and longevity of your oven depend on how often the filter is replaced, it is important to follow these guidelines for optimal results. Clogged filters not only adversely affect a home's air quality, but they also force the oven to work harder to attract air to the system and thus shorten its life.

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